GoAnimate.com: 11%2F14%2F11 Insight of the Day%3A 11%3A11 by The Naked Astrologer
Monday, November 14, 2011
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Naked Insight for 9/26/11: Pluto! You can run but you cant hide
GoAnimate.com: Naked Insight for 9/26/11: Pluto! by The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, hello there my special cuddly friends; at least cuddly compared to the entities I just encountered on my latest astral trip.
Today's insight is to remind you that you are not separate from any living entity in this world. You may have hundreds of different varieties of relationships. Some are your lovers, some are your cuddle partners, some are your competitors, some are your enemies, some are your teachers, some are your students. There are many many ways in which we can see ourselves reflected. The truth is that you must integrate all of them into your sphere on your journey home. Home is where we are all one. The concept of a permanent hell that some religions preach to exist is completely false. Nothing is permanent in this universe. Even the Deitys that some of you pray to for guidance, they are not permanent. The universe itself will once again enter a period called Pralaya, or latency which can be made analogous to your sleep.
As much as some want to believe so deeply in the power of their own ego, this is the truth. We are nothing without our assignment to a higher purpose, which is never self-serving. We are nothing without others to perceive that we exist. We are all one great integrated body. Saturn energy deals with the illusion of crystallization into a monadic structure. Through Jupiter, humans find common purpose with others and expand their body to include those that resonate easily with their energy. The energy of Pluto always forces us to integrate oppositional or unconscious energy. Pluto is the planet that governs true transformation. It is the shedding of the skin of the serpent, as we move from life to life perceiving ourselves as separate. Our skin sheds because we can no longer hold on to the perception of the ego personality.
When Pluto is in heavy influence, we are met with a crisis of the ego. Our old Saturnine structures are broken down, and we find through Jupiter we are able to expand ever further because we now encompass more of the great oneness than we did before. We must integrate each other before we return home. Until that day, we will continue to reincarnate, each time with a new body and a new set of circumstances. Eventually we will remember, and we will love all and be transformed. Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
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Ah, hello there my special cuddly friends; at least cuddly compared to the entities I just encountered on my latest astral trip.
Today's insight is to remind you that you are not separate from any living entity in this world. You may have hundreds of different varieties of relationships. Some are your lovers, some are your cuddle partners, some are your competitors, some are your enemies, some are your teachers, some are your students. There are many many ways in which we can see ourselves reflected. The truth is that you must integrate all of them into your sphere on your journey home. Home is where we are all one. The concept of a permanent hell that some religions preach to exist is completely false. Nothing is permanent in this universe. Even the Deitys that some of you pray to for guidance, they are not permanent. The universe itself will once again enter a period called Pralaya, or latency which can be made analogous to your sleep.
As much as some want to believe so deeply in the power of their own ego, this is the truth. We are nothing without our assignment to a higher purpose, which is never self-serving. We are nothing without others to perceive that we exist. We are all one great integrated body. Saturn energy deals with the illusion of crystallization into a monadic structure. Through Jupiter, humans find common purpose with others and expand their body to include those that resonate easily with their energy. The energy of Pluto always forces us to integrate oppositional or unconscious energy. Pluto is the planet that governs true transformation. It is the shedding of the skin of the serpent, as we move from life to life perceiving ourselves as separate. Our skin sheds because we can no longer hold on to the perception of the ego personality.
When Pluto is in heavy influence, we are met with a crisis of the ego. Our old Saturnine structures are broken down, and we find through Jupiter we are able to expand ever further because we now encompass more of the great oneness than we did before. We must integrate each other before we return home. Until that day, we will continue to reincarnate, each time with a new body and a new set of circumstances. Eventually we will remember, and we will love all and be transformed. Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Its the Last Day of Summer!
GoAnimate.com: Insight of the Day 9/22/11 by The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, hello there. As you probably know, today is the last day of Summer. The Sun crosses the vernal equinox at precisely 4:06 am central time tomorrow morning. If you have not listened to yesterdays insight on the symbolism of fall, then the time is now to do so.
People, very much like trees, reach the physical apex of outward growth and expression through the summer. They bear the fruit of their creativity, the quality of the fruit only to themselves being the intuitive test of whether you are creatively aligned with your path. By now, you should have cleansed yourself of all the residual programming that robs you of your creative expression.
Monsanto Corporation is attempting to metaphysically poison your inner creative fruits, and they must be stopped. they must be stripped naked and exposed to be inadequately fit to serve, and forced back to the drawing board of life. they have nothing to offer.
Tomorrow, on the first day of fall, it is all about what you have to offer. Today, I will find a beautiful tree and sit with my baby, my hottie with the sexy body, and feed her the fruits that I picked from the trees of TruthVille, and the fruits in my heart that represent my creative seed.
Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
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Ah, hello there. As you probably know, today is the last day of Summer. The Sun crosses the vernal equinox at precisely 4:06 am central time tomorrow morning. If you have not listened to yesterdays insight on the symbolism of fall, then the time is now to do so.
People, very much like trees, reach the physical apex of outward growth and expression through the summer. They bear the fruit of their creativity, the quality of the fruit only to themselves being the intuitive test of whether you are creatively aligned with your path. By now, you should have cleansed yourself of all the residual programming that robs you of your creative expression.
Monsanto Corporation is attempting to metaphysically poison your inner creative fruits, and they must be stopped. they must be stripped naked and exposed to be inadequately fit to serve, and forced back to the drawing board of life. they have nothing to offer.
Tomorrow, on the first day of fall, it is all about what you have to offer. Today, I will find a beautiful tree and sit with my baby, my hottie with the sexy body, and feed her the fruits that I picked from the trees of TruthVille, and the fruits in my heart that represent my creative seed.
Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Closing in on Fall Equinox
GoAnimate.com: Insight of the Day 9/21/11 by The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, so wonderful to see you all here. Today I would like to share a bit about the symbolism of the coming Fall, and how Spring and Summer are preparatory times for this.
Many lifetimes ago when the Naked Astrologer was incarnate on earth, I was enjoying an organic fruit salad with my hottie on September 22nd under the shade of a great oak tree. As we fed each other grapes and nibbled each others earlobes, we talked for hours on the significance of Fall. As we meditated on this significance, suddenly a baby squirill dropped to the ground from one of the limbs of the tree. The mother was quickly after the baby, who was killed instantly from the fall, and she scampered off to bury her offspring that never developed further in that particular incarnation. At Virgo, a crisis before the transference at the Fall Equinox occurs once again, just as it did in Pisces before the Spring Equinox.
The squirill fell out of the tree as a seed, a seed from the mother that scurried to bury her fallen offspring. Death is not necessarily literal, as the death of the offspring represents a transference of the energy from the self to the soul, which continues to transfrom and reincarnate through the power of our creative desire. The crisis of Virgo is that we reap what we sow. The personality reaches an apex of development in which it is fully aware of itself as a creator of the reality within which he lives, and that he is giving birth to the future just as the Spirit gave birth to him at Spring Equinox.
Do you see the law of karma at work here? Look at the symbol of the Sun behind me. The dot in the center is You, surrounded by a reflection of all that you are. The quality of your service is reflected in your relationships and in your environment. This is the fall, or put another way, it is the transference.
Just before the Fall, in Virgo whcih is the final sign of subjective awareness, you must make adjustments. Are you fully fulfilled or are you happy? If you are not, your issues will become born in the Fall, and you will find yourself not only having to heal yourself, but heal your children and your friends of these issues. Follow your bliss and Be who you want to be surrounded by! Until tomorrow, Love, Awareness, Truth, and Astrology!
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Ah, so wonderful to see you all here. Today I would like to share a bit about the symbolism of the coming Fall, and how Spring and Summer are preparatory times for this.
Many lifetimes ago when the Naked Astrologer was incarnate on earth, I was enjoying an organic fruit salad with my hottie on September 22nd under the shade of a great oak tree. As we fed each other grapes and nibbled each others earlobes, we talked for hours on the significance of Fall. As we meditated on this significance, suddenly a baby squirill dropped to the ground from one of the limbs of the tree. The mother was quickly after the baby, who was killed instantly from the fall, and she scampered off to bury her offspring that never developed further in that particular incarnation. At Virgo, a crisis before the transference at the Fall Equinox occurs once again, just as it did in Pisces before the Spring Equinox.
The squirill fell out of the tree as a seed, a seed from the mother that scurried to bury her fallen offspring. Death is not necessarily literal, as the death of the offspring represents a transference of the energy from the self to the soul, which continues to transfrom and reincarnate through the power of our creative desire. The crisis of Virgo is that we reap what we sow. The personality reaches an apex of development in which it is fully aware of itself as a creator of the reality within which he lives, and that he is giving birth to the future just as the Spirit gave birth to him at Spring Equinox.
Do you see the law of karma at work here? Look at the symbol of the Sun behind me. The dot in the center is You, surrounded by a reflection of all that you are. The quality of your service is reflected in your relationships and in your environment. This is the fall, or put another way, it is the transference.
Just before the Fall, in Virgo whcih is the final sign of subjective awareness, you must make adjustments. Are you fully fulfilled or are you happy? If you are not, your issues will become born in the Fall, and you will find yourself not only having to heal yourself, but heal your children and your friends of these issues. Follow your bliss and Be who you want to be surrounded by! Until tomorrow, Love, Awareness, Truth, and Astrology!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Neptune: Where you can lose yourself or find redemption
GoAnimate.com: Naked Insight of the Day 9/20/11 by The Naked Astrologer
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People ask me what of the creations of earth people inspire me, if anything. I would have to say the smooth music of the late 70s and early 80s. Artists such as Christopher Cross, Micheal McDonald, and Lionel Richie to name a few, did much to raise the collective vibration with their music.
Music taps into a sea of creative energy that can bring us to a particular place and time within our own spectrum of experience. While the Sun primarily is thought of as the energy of the creative force, and the moon the objective manifestation of that creative potential, it is the planet Neptune which is at the heart of the Solar creativity.
The planet Neptune brings us to the ocean of all that has been created and ever will be. Neptune brings us beyond the Saturnine boundaries of time. On the darker side, we can drown in the sea of past potential lost, and vibrate with music and creativity that holds the vibration of fear and loss. The truth is that everytime we draw a vibration out of the sea and hold it, it is ours to transform. On the brighter side, Neptune is considered to be the planet of redemption. Everyday we reclaim our creative control over our own destiny, the past merely a benchmark between where we have been or where we are, and where it is we want to go. Also, what we recreate is stored in the etheric realm and is what we call Akasha. Through this, you add to the living library of all that has been experienced, and you yourself raise the collective vibration just as Dennis DeYoung and Kenny Rogers once did with their music! Now, would anyone like to join me on an astral trip to Neptune today? Ill see you tomorrow for another naked insight, and until then, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
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People ask me what of the creations of earth people inspire me, if anything. I would have to say the smooth music of the late 70s and early 80s. Artists such as Christopher Cross, Micheal McDonald, and Lionel Richie to name a few, did much to raise the collective vibration with their music.
Music taps into a sea of creative energy that can bring us to a particular place and time within our own spectrum of experience. While the Sun primarily is thought of as the energy of the creative force, and the moon the objective manifestation of that creative potential, it is the planet Neptune which is at the heart of the Solar creativity.
The planet Neptune brings us to the ocean of all that has been created and ever will be. Neptune brings us beyond the Saturnine boundaries of time. On the darker side, we can drown in the sea of past potential lost, and vibrate with music and creativity that holds the vibration of fear and loss. The truth is that everytime we draw a vibration out of the sea and hold it, it is ours to transform. On the brighter side, Neptune is considered to be the planet of redemption. Everyday we reclaim our creative control over our own destiny, the past merely a benchmark between where we have been or where we are, and where it is we want to go. Also, what we recreate is stored in the etheric realm and is what we call Akasha. Through this, you add to the living library of all that has been experienced, and you yourself raise the collective vibration just as Dennis DeYoung and Kenny Rogers once did with their music! Now, would anyone like to join me on an astral trip to Neptune today? Ill see you tomorrow for another naked insight, and until then, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
Monday, September 19, 2011
What is Astrology?
GoAnimate.com: Naked Astrologer Insight of the Day Sept 19, 2011 by The Naked Astrologer
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Astrology is perhaps the most powerful tool for this kind of deepened self awareness. Astrology is the study of life cycles, which includes not only the cycles of the outer planets and the earth, but the cycles of the inner psyche which effect your subjective perspective, the relationships you choose, your emotional state, and your peak experiences of transformation. Astrology uses these cycles to tell us when unconscious aspects of ourselves will be triggered and become manifest in our lives. For this reason, Astrology has become the primary tool for the field of unconscious psychology. It was the works of depth psychologist Carl G. Jung that demonstrated Astrology's power in terms of giving significance to synchronicity, transformative or life altering experiences, or changes in behavior as a reflection of unconscious factors.
Astrology is a spiritual art because it brings us into awareness of our unconscious. Through our own cycles of experience, we are able to see our own duality at work, face our own shadow, unveil our unconscious motivations as well as understand the karma at work in our lives. Again, this is the first step towards loving and embracing all of humanity. We are all souls in motion around the great wheel of experience, and we all must experience each stop along the way. In each lifetime, we re experience each stop through our relationships with one another, thus renewing our relationship with our own previous incarnations and perspectives. Astrology proves this with absolute certainty because cyclical transformations of our psyche change our chemistry from one set of relationships to another. We experience this as humans through the chemistry felt when we fall in or out of love, or even through incredible synchronicities of developing an interest and then suddenly meeting many people that share that interest and are able to help you develop it. For these reasons, astrology is a tool for forgiveness, for deeper love, for greater discernment regarding experiences that you need to let go of, and affirmation regarding those that you need to embrace.
Please visit www.nakedastrology.com for more information on services, classes and workshops. Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Nudity!
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Astrology is perhaps the most powerful tool for this kind of deepened self awareness. Astrology is the study of life cycles, which includes not only the cycles of the outer planets and the earth, but the cycles of the inner psyche which effect your subjective perspective, the relationships you choose, your emotional state, and your peak experiences of transformation. Astrology uses these cycles to tell us when unconscious aspects of ourselves will be triggered and become manifest in our lives. For this reason, Astrology has become the primary tool for the field of unconscious psychology. It was the works of depth psychologist Carl G. Jung that demonstrated Astrology's power in terms of giving significance to synchronicity, transformative or life altering experiences, or changes in behavior as a reflection of unconscious factors.
Astrology is a spiritual art because it brings us into awareness of our unconscious. Through our own cycles of experience, we are able to see our own duality at work, face our own shadow, unveil our unconscious motivations as well as understand the karma at work in our lives. Again, this is the first step towards loving and embracing all of humanity. We are all souls in motion around the great wheel of experience, and we all must experience each stop along the way. In each lifetime, we re experience each stop through our relationships with one another, thus renewing our relationship with our own previous incarnations and perspectives. Astrology proves this with absolute certainty because cyclical transformations of our psyche change our chemistry from one set of relationships to another. We experience this as humans through the chemistry felt when we fall in or out of love, or even through incredible synchronicities of developing an interest and then suddenly meeting many people that share that interest and are able to help you develop it. For these reasons, astrology is a tool for forgiveness, for deeper love, for greater discernment regarding experiences that you need to let go of, and affirmation regarding those that you need to embrace.
Please visit www.nakedastrology.com for more information on services, classes and workshops. Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Nudity!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
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