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Naked Astrology
Love, Truth, Awareness!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Naked Horoscope for the Week 9/27/2011: New Moon in Libra meets Pluto
Naked Horoscope of the Week%3A New Moon in Libra
The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, happy New Moon! New seeds are being planted into the consciousness of humanity. These are seeds from previous harvests. There is opportunity to transform what will become part of the future seeds structure. Each moon cycle allows us to work with the past as we create the future unfolding.
The New Moon in Libra will be in strenuous aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is where the physical structures that serve humanity exist. Capricorn is the externalization of security. Herein lies the laws of our land to make us feel protected and secure. Herein lies our system of economics in order to provide a means of supporting what we value and a benchmark for the value of our service. Herein lies the archetype of the Father. Naturally, through the perception of ego, fear has entered the equation. Earthly fathers can fear for their children and plant boundaries and means of protection within our laws and our structures. Earthly fathers can hold onto the role of father, the middle man between his child and the way to success. Competition and symbolic castration can enter the equation as many of our physical economic structures are upheld in order to provide security for the few that are afraid to allow the children to grow into their teacher, afraid to relinquish the structures that they painstakingly build as they forgot that they built it for their children and their customers from the beginning. Humans are afraid to relinquish any resource control that they have gained because they fear that they will no longer be needed, as if the material that they have acquired is the only reason they are needed or valued. True value and security is internal and eternal.
With the New Moon seeking a balance between ego and the higher soul in Libra colliding with a restructuring of economic structure through Pluto, the system of value will be balanced and restructured. Control of something temporal is of course, only temporal. In the mean time, there may be war, violence and protest, for humans on this planet perceive that survival means protecting the ego. Remember, your energy never dies, you only continue to change form. Remember that you all must become one and face your own fear and well as your brother's before there is true security; before you make your way home. To me, its all just drama, illusion, just as I am, however just as my purpose is to teach you and expand your awareness, the same is true for the drama of your physical reality. For today's new moon, I am pleased to present the first Naked Horoscope of the Week. Come back tomorrow for another naked insight, and come see me next week at half moon for the next installment of Naked Horoscopes. Until then, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
ARIES - This week your energy will be inspiring as you are filled with innovative ideas and drive. The question you need to be asking yourself is this: Is this wonderful feeling worth destroying any possibility of your idea becoming permanent, only so that you can return to this state of endless potential again? Your ideas have a chance to be received by others as transformative and restructuring, or they can be considered impractical and selfserving. It has nothing to do with the quality of the idea as to how it will be received. It has to do with the answer to that question you need to be asking yourself.
TAURUS - You walk over to your neighbors house this week to borrow his soap, not only because he makes his own and adds essential oils that you love, but because his wife always sends you home with a homemade marionberry pie. Although the car is in the driveway and the lights are on, nobody answers the door this week. You drive over to your sister's house to see if she can loan you an extra $100 because you are low on funds as you have been at the end of the last couple of months, and you suspect that she is growing wise to it and is avoiding you. What is the lesson for you here? It is your turn, Taurus, to make yourself more resourceful. It is your turn to make sure your inner cup runneth over enough so that you can be there for others as they have been for you. Go to the neighbor on the other side and borrow a recipe book and bake them some homemade pie. If you are able to make this adjustment, you will find that these resources will return exponentially.
GEMINI - Your ability to play Devil's Advocate is on fire this week. Its always been a skill of Gemini. However, this week we do not need you to rip our idea apart in order to display your open mindedness and superior intelligence. In the past, you may have found this brings about a balance of perspective, but polarity in your world has reached its maximum. The challenge you put to others is really a challenge to yourself. Are you capable of moving forward with one perspective without breaking it down with the opposing one? There is nothing wrong with appreciating the beauty and genius of your competitors, in fact this is gift you have that can bring us together as one rather than oppositional forces. Take one of your brilliant ideas and go with it, then spend the evening at your competitors place of business and indulge completely in their service. Their curiosity will bring them into your center, their guilt will lead them to sample your paradigm, and your charm will lead them to work with you and not against you.
CANCER - A new business opens up in your neighborhood offering Organic Gluten-free edible underwear. You are moved and inspired by the innovators of this new and exciting product. However, at the same time you feel deeply for the mom and pop store down the street that has been selling fine underwear for 40 years, for you recognize the shift in consumer consciousness will mean a loss for these fine people. For this reason, your emotions will potentially be swayed this week. Inside you Cancer, you long for the change that will bring about true collective security, but you relate to the feelings of insecurity that come with this change for those that are still fighting it. Each of these are external nodes on a greater wheel. You relate because the spokes of this wheel all meet in the center, and that is where you are. For this week, be still and allow the overall process to build. Cancer must stay focused on its current path, stick with the underwear you typically buy for now, and not allow itself to over empathize with either end of the wheel.
LEO - The fruit of your leadership abilities will begin to blossom this week. This fruit can be sweet and delicious or it can be bitter and rotten. Our children, our beloved, our employees, even our animals all reflect the strength of our creative ability in their happiness and their success. If they are unhappy or unsuccessful, it could be because your own fears and insecurities are draining them, for they depend on you for their strength and you know this! Let this week be a barometer for what kind of leader that you are. Don't take negative results too hard. You must lead by example, and for you that means that your happiness and success are in direct correlation to those that look to your leadership
VIRGO - Your neighbor starts growing a vegetable garden in his yard this week, which has a direct link to your increased clarity. You see, the activity around you will dramatize and mirror the values that you have held inside. You've been working on perfecting the techniques of organic gardening in order to produce the greatest quality fruit, but there is something to be said for just doing something instead of thinking it to death. Do not judge yourself for not starting the new trend, for there is still plenty of time to add your innovations if you can act. The actions of your neighbors is giving you permission to be more authentically yourself. In turn, your counsel will be sought by those acting out your vicarious desires, because they will sense that their actions are in your heart.
LIBRA - Happy Birthday to you, Libra from the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn! All are visiting your sign, so what does that mean for your birthday month? You have a tendency to enter relationships and social situations as a means of escaping one in which balance is lost. You may have submitted yourself completely to one and seek to find another that you can control. This is not going to work for you, Libra. While relationships are good for you to enter in order to practice the balance of ego and soul, enter all social situations with caution. Let your partner know each day what it is that you need, and ask your partner each day what he or she needs. If you can do this without losing yourself or having your partner lost in you, this relationship might last beyond next weeks horoscopes.
SCORPIO - You may find yourself buying a treat that is a favorite of your significant other. Your timing being purposeful and directed as usual, your partner comes home to your grinning face just as you eat the last bite. It is time to reflect on this passive aggressive behaviour Scorpio.
What you just did is place something you know that they love inside of you because you want to feel them love what is inside of you. This week is about the struggle to bring about that balance, shifting your partners values from the external to the internal. Start by loving what is inside of
them. Everyone values love, and that love is coming from inside of you.
SAGITTARIUS - For the pet lovers, pay attention to your animals this week. Is your dog pulling you more on your walks? Is your pet not as affectionate as it once was? Is it acting more or less needy? Your pet is a reflection of your animal nature, something which you are normally
skilled at having control over. This week your animals are communicating to you that you have sacrificed some basic biological needs to what you perceive to be a higher cause. Animals are much smarter than humans, so listen to them and meditate on what it is that you need.
CAPRICORN - Gross sales of your widgets dropped 25% last month. This week, you can try to rearrange them in the window of your shop. You can offer red widgets, put the yellow ones on sale, buy a green widget and get a blue one free. If none of that works, perhaps you need to remember that business is about servicing your customers. Widgets are going out of style, and as a dynamic soul you must transform yourself in order to meet the needs of the collective. Giving up the widget business you spent years building is quite a challenge, but you are not a Widget! You are a dynamic soul and the needs of your customers are a reflection of needs inside of you, needs inside of all of us. If it must be Widgets, why not try Bio-Widgets, Organic Widgets, or Gluten-free Widgets in order to meet the need of a greener trending world. If that idea takes off, don't forget where you got it. (The Naked Astrologer accepts donations via cash, money order or PayPal)
AQUARIUS - I went to your Quantum Metaphysics Blog today and noticed you haven't been posting. I went by the mission where you normally serve me a free meal but you were nowhere to be found. I checked the freezer today and for the first time you must have forgotten to freeze the chocolate and stock the fridge with Schaefer Light. We need you and you are being selfish by withdrawing into your own world. I didn't say that, you said that to yourself, and that is your guilt talking. This week, program that voice in your head to say thank you Aquarius, for your selfishness is the very service we need. What good is your service if people don't learn how to serve themselves and others from your example. Isn't that why you do it? Enjoy your week returning to the quiet source within you, where you are coming up with brilliant ideas that you cant reach when surrounded by clingons and parasites.
PISCES - You dream this week that you are swimming out to sea with a boat of lifeguards coming after you, yelling for you to stop. Suddenly you find yourself drowning! Once the lifeguards get there and jump in after you, they find the water too strong to overcome and they begin to drown themselves. Pisces, you tend to forget that your drowning is an act, and you uphold it because it is the only way others can relate to you. They are unable to swim to the depths that you reached, but your purpose was to bring them there, to push the boundaries of our comfort level in exploring the oceanic depths of our unconscious. We need you this week, and this moon cycle especially, to drop the mirror that reflects us drowning. The world is ready to see an example of how deep we are capable of going. Do what you must to get us there, but be ready to reverse your role and reveal your true self once we reach our destination
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