Ah, hello again. I could feel you guys staring at me while i was resting, and i must say, some of you have some very kinky thoughts regarding my naked body. I do not take offense at all, but i am not used to being around energy fields with as much sexual disfunction as you earth people have. But that lesson is for another time. Today, lets talk about the planet Saturn.
The planet Saturn has the reputation for being perhaps the most difficult planetary influences to deal with. I am here to shed a little more light into what Saturn influence truly is.
First, let us examine the fact that Saturns orbit is 29 and one half years around the Sun. Ironically, the Sun and Moon make a complete cycle in 29 and one half days. So when the earth makes a circle around the axis which is its own center 29 and one half times, we have a complete Lunar cycle. When the earth makes a circle around the axis in which the Sun is the center, we have a complete Saturn cycle.
Here in lies the mystery of Saturn. The Sun represents the energy which vitalizes the future unfolding. The Moon gives form to this energy, but utilizes the Past as a basis for the formation. Everyone must come full circle and come face to face with the past in order to move forward with progressive future creation. If you fail to face the past, you will continue to repeat your cycles, whether it be your relationship cycles or your financial cycles or your service cycles, there is a vulnerability in your life that is rooted in past lives. Saturn is what we call The Guardian of the Threshold, and to move past him means to overcome fear and limitation not based on him, but based on past life conditioning from which you were formed. Once this is done, the light of the Sun creates without inhibition, and self mastery is achieved. While it can be quite challenging, the Naked Astrologer is always here to help you through it. If you ever need a personal reading, you may email me at naked astrologer@gmail.com. also there are some earth people building a website for me that you can visit soon. you will find me at www.nakedastrology.com. i hope to hear from some of you. Until tomorrow. Love, astrology, truth, and nudity!
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