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Naked Astrology
Love, Truth, Awareness!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Naked Horoscopes for Full Moon 10/11/2011: OCCUPY TRUTHVILLE!
Full Moon Naked Horoscopes for 10%2F11%2F2011
The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, so wonderful to see all my naked earth friends as well as my earth friends that are two
repressed to enjoy being naked with us, as well as my earth friends that find comfort in their
clothes for whatever reason. If you earth people
so strangely sensitive to having your ego particularly excluded even when its something as trivial as a freaking horoscope column, I
have to join your politically correct ways in order to demonstrate the consideration that we on
were born with. However, I have learned that in order to get your message across, it is best to cater somewhat to your fragile egos so that you wont stop listening to me. You are all here because this is Occupy
week. This is a big part of the lesson for this Full Moon in Aries. Each of us needs to be heard, and yet we are limited as to how we are heard if we do not hear others. When you Occupy
, you embody all that you are and no longer fear that your brothers or sisters are going to take anything away from you. If I did offend
fragile ego, consider yourself held for hours while we lie together in front of a fireplace as I feed you chocolate chip cookie dough with my toes. Enjoy
horoscope, and until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
- So you find yourself visiting downtown
and cant be fully content for some
reason. You see the coffee shop with the homegrown marijuana brewed into the coffee, and the
fireplace with the
outside beckoning for all to come cuddle by the fire. These are
all ideas that you have had, and your ego feels torn that you find it already created and do not
feel the credit projected upon you. That is because you created this long ago, and have now
incarnated in this world under a strange human disguise. Enjoy the experience of what you are.
You did create this and we are
- It finally dawned on you the day that you gave your
action figure collection to your son, and he lost your most valuable figure the first day, and torched Princess Lea until her plastic
melted together. The lesson is that you demonstrate value with your heart, not with your things. You decide to take your son to
, where you walk into a
where people are cuddling by the fire feeding cookie dough to each other and sipping a special kind of coffee that makes you really relaxed. Your son looks over at the bar, and is shocked to see Princess Lea sitting there with
and two of the other bounty hunters that few remember but the purists. You all sit and have coffee and chat about Star Wars for hours, and you see your son appreciate the importance that your
collection has for you not from the things, but from this special experience.
- You find yourself in
craving the famous cookie dough you have heard so much about. You seem unsure about what you have heard regarding people feeding each other with their feet, but you decide to check it out. You walk in and see what looks almost exactly like yourself, cuddling with the Naked Astrologer and feeding him cookie dough with your toes. What really freaks you out is the appearance of the feet, which look just like hands. Your twin sees you and looks shocked, and says "
not sure if I want you to feed me cookie dough with those things". As you approach each other, you notice that your twins feet are identical to your hands, and your feet are identical to your twins hands. The point is that we are all brothers and
sisters, and often the illusion of duality confuses us, but we are walking with our feet upon a
path of understanding our diversity, and when we get there we find the part of ourselves that was already there.
- You found your dream job at the
. You love working with the special plants and brewing their magic into the coffee. You love all of your customers, and enjoy taking your turn cuddling with many of them by the fireplace. The difficulty for you is that you love them all and feel they lose something when they
getting served your coffee or they
eating cookie dough from your hands by the fire. Although all roads lead to the same home, and the same mother, each of us has our own journey, and the person we choose to serve us our trip on a particular visit mirrors the differentiated source of that particular need. You only relate to the source of all things, but it is not your place to be the source of all things. Weave the illusion you wish for your patrons and children to experience with your magic plants and coffee, honor those that seek your magic out, and release those that do not
- Have you ever drank a delicious glass of orange juice, and then chased that with the best
chocolate shake ever, only the taste of the orange juice messed up the taste of the shake? You
added some magic plant into the chocolate chip cookie dough mix so that the patrons of the
could experience the world as you see it. It bothers you that when you feed it to your customers, they get an initial look on their face that they
quite sure about the reality in which they find themselves. I mean, that reality is THE reality according to you, and they should feel the same about it right? This is why you love dogs so much. They mirror the reality that you feed them, and
about it. Humans make transformations that are not as
smooth, and you need to realize that only you were meant to experience exactly what you are
experiencing. Others will take what they want from you and make it their own.
- A monk walked into the
and sampled your magic coffee. His
experience was
out of the world, and so you
have made sure over a good
length of time that the flowering cycle of your magic plants be set at 9.6 weeks exactly, and that
cookie dough not be mixed with the bat guano feedings during the second to last week of the
flowering phase, but only from the 6
to the 2
to last day of the cycle for the perfect flavor
and the perfect trip. But what is the perfect trip Virgo? Is it just because a person you look
up to experienced it, so it must be of higher quality? Everyone in
has their own trip
regardless of how exact specifications of your gardening. Let go a little bit and enjoy the
fruits of your labors, for you will see what I mean much more clearly.
- I saw you for awhile by the fire at
Coffee practically
your lover
magic coffee and cookie dough while telling them how much you love them. Then I saw you with someone new, and that person was
it to you out of love. Last time you started to learn the art of compromise, but it made me sick to watch you feed your lover and ask every 10 minutes "what are you feeling now?" and have them do the same every other 10, meaning that instead of blazing forward you stop every 5 minutes to analyze the quality of the ride and your work through the
of your partner. Libra, shut up and enjoy your experience. He or she will enjoy theirs
more if you do.
- As a resident of
for some time now, you are among the favorite
. Each character relates to you. You realize the truth when the father walks in
with his son that torched the Princess Lea
together (see horoscope for
Taurus), and you realize the fear based reason that you moved through in past lives. You see
and Lea equally as one because you realize that
is Lea on the inside, and Lea is
on the inside, their appearances a front. Whatever
wants to put in Lea's butt will
inject the inner beauty and make them one, and although Lea
ready for it, as the boy
unconsciously knows through his actions upon the action figures, you see them as one and know that they are in
to merge, cuddle, and feed each other cookie dough. On earth they call that type of love rear entry.
been put in charge of the marketing plan for
coffeehouse, and you trust that the masters have put you in charge because your desire to serve a clientele of higher awareness is what they truly want. You are more comfortable tripping out monks with your magic coffee than getting spit on by the likes of
. However, what you do not realize is that the masters only feel that your perception will balance the energies of the
, and that any confrontation between the likes of
and the monks will create the proper balance to bring a higher degree of harmony to
, which is always harmonious, however it is your job to lure those that are ready to find the Truth, and that is a Truth that you are not entirely conscious of yet.
- You are amazed to find that
is paying 25 an hour to work in the
coffeehouse. After your first week, you are expecting a paycheck of nearly $1000. The head master seems amused when you ask for payment. "What is it that you want?" he says "Every hour you have worked you have served 25 patrons. You
25 per hour. "
??, How is that getting paid??" you ask. The master chuckles and asks again, what is it that you want? "I want to buy a nice place to live, I want to buy my food, I need to pay my bills!!" you explain. The master realizes that he is speaking to a child from earth, and delicately explains...."Look over there at the resident quarters you liked so much when you came here. Your customers built it and are making all repairs. Your customers that gave you your food from the market, they grew all that food themselves. All that you have
is yours in exchange for your services. If this place is not everything that you want, then you should go find a city that resonates with your wants." Ask yourself this week what it is that you really want. Money
mean anything by itself.
- Your job at
is to prepare the special mushrooms that are often added to the magic coffee for special customers. People come to
because they know they will experience the naked truth...well, that and get cuddled by the fire and fed chocolate chip cookie dough, but the point is that you love to shake up the Truth by tripping people out when they
expect it. You are here to remind us with what you bring to the table that Truth is always changing. What was true today is not necessarily true tomorrow. We can release, deny, and change what is the underlying truth and create temporal truth, and even temporal truth within temporal truth. What is your truth this week that you wish to share, and where does it fall on the spectrum of Truth/temporal truth. How many magic mushrooms and magic coffee have you consumed today?
- You wake up from a strange dream where you were
and you came to
because you wanted people to see that your aggression was merely a projection, and really you were just a cuddly creature that wanted to cuddle by the fireplace at the
and be fed cookie dough. You are able to see
in a different light, as you talk with him everyday at the
. As soon as you see a young boy walk in the shop with an action figure of you that he torched the
closed, you wake up from that dream and find yourself back in your body as the Naked Astrologer. You look at yourself in the mirror and cant help but to be confused due to how orgasmic you feel looking at yourself, when suddenly you wake up from that dream and come back to your reality as head
Coffeehouse. Pisces, you dream this reality, and every reality you find yourself in is like a bar that falls from the clouds and is heading towards the ocean. Once the bar submerges it finds itself in a different reality. Only from the time the bar makes itself seen leaving the clouds to its fall to the waters edge does it exist as it appears. Every veil uncovered contains the illusion that this is finally reality, only to find that you are still dreaming and wake up in yet another. Come join us by the fire and try to enjoy your dream!
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The Naked Astrologer
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