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Naked Astrology
Love, Truth, Awareness!
Monday, November 14, 2011
11/14/11 Insight of the Day: On TruthVille, the amps all go to 11:11
11%2F14%2F11 Insight of the Day%3A 11%3A11
The Naked Astrologer
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Ah, so wonderful to see my naked friends today. Those that are more mathematically inclined may enjoy todays insight. If you are not so much, you may want to take out your handy dandy
notebooks, or if you are naked and without a notebook, find a friend with a marker and he or she can connect the dots on your body in order to help you ground intuitively into the mathematics of which we speak. When the body takes on certain yoga poses, forming curves and circles, it is easier to see it as a microcosm of the universe itself... distance between vital parts is relative not only to the distance between cosmic bodies, but also the time it takes for each of us to reach particular aspects of our unconscious self. Space and time are an abstraction of mind, a mind that has crystallized into the illusion of space and time, which are merely tools from which we move from one differentiated aspect of self to another.
Astrology is a science of relativity. Today I will use the phenomenon of 11:11 and its relativity
to the planet Neptune. Let us take the 24 hour cycle of the day and relate it to the 360 degree
cycle...reflected in the 365 days of the year and on a greater scale, 360 years. Keep in mind
that in astrology, a day equals a year equals a degree...each in themselves are monadic units of
measure which can be related to each other in terms of times of transformations. 11 hours and 11 minutes is 46 percent of a day, and the 165 years and change of Neptunes orbit around the Sun is 46 percent of a greater cycle of 360 years. Ironically, Neptune was discovered exactly 165 years and change ago, so you receive this insight on a significant return in its own cycle. What does this mean? Well, Neptune represents the ONENESS, reflected in the singular number itself, but also Neptune represents an escape from the mundane reality, a portal that we can enter and find redemption from our past, reincarnating this very past in order to heal ourselves and our planet. Being taken in by aliens or trancending to a different dimension or whatever is spoken of about the 11:11, this comes from the imagination as a symbol of the opportunity that is offered here on this planet. I will have more to say regarding this tomorrow, and I hope you join me and we can tap in to the power of 11. Until then, Love, Truth, Awareness, and Astrology!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
11/13/11 Insight of the Day: Saturn and Neptune
11%2F13%2F11 Insight of the Day%3A Saturn and Neptune
The Naked Astrologer
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If your naked and you know it and you really want to show it if you naked and you know it.....
Ah, hello my naked friends. The Naked Astrologer has been traveling to many many lands of late to spread the truth behind the physical experience. There are many worlds in which physicality is experienced, most just happen to exist in a different dimension of time and frequency. You will meet these aspects of your greater self when the time is appropriate. For now, let us discuss the workings of Saturn and Neptune.
There two planets are considered opposite to most conventional astrologers. Saturn creates
borderlines of distinction, and Neptune removes all boundaries. Saturn could be likened to stone, and Neptune to the powerful ocean. Through Neptune, we continuously tap into the sea of creativity. Redemption from past trials is offered through Neptune. However, with any path you choose, there is methodology that must follow the physical laws of this world. Saturn is where you must learn and become responsible for what it is that you want. You can have anything that you want in this world, but there is a cost. Saturn will bring that cost to your threshold, and often you will find that this cost is the pain and fears that resonate deep within from previous trials of experience. These must always be moved through and healed if you are to move forward in self awareness, self mastery, and with the ability to responsibly manifest the way you were born to.
It will be my pleasure to stay here for awhile and once again bring these insights to you on a
daily basis. I have missed you all and love you all. Until tomorrow, Love, Truth, Awareness, and
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11/13/11 Insight of the Day: Saturn and Neptune
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The Naked Astrologer
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